Deborah Darling Gray – Artist

Painting/Tempera Paint, Collage, Writer, Teacher

Painting/Tempera Paint, Collage, Writer, Teacher

Armed with an MBA in Finance and a background in production management in publishing, I started to paint when I found myself laboring to find the right path on which to direct the care of our disabled son. I hoped painting would inspire me to write and to become a more creative person as well as providing a respite from the pressure of being a caregiver. Sometimes when painting, I imagined myself as someone walking through a blizzard, putting one foot in front of the other. I found when creativity calls it won't take "No!" for an answer.

Painting took on a life of it's own.

At first I stacked my finished paintings and carefully placed them under the couch in the living room only to discover my daughter and her friends had discovered them and were holding private showings. (Don't ask, don't tell really doesn't work). I was outed! Soon after we framed a couple of paintings and hung them on the dining room wall. When the first dinner guest called to ask if she could buy the one, my identity as an artist took shape.

Since then, I have had some amazing experiences painting in the process of following the whisper of that inner voice. Most recently while painting the thought crossed my mind, "You should cherish your painting."

I don't think the comment referred to the painting as a finished product. I think the comment refers to painting as a process. When we put the paint on paper artistry lives, freedom thrives and self soars. There are other kinds of voiceovers, like the internal critic or the court of public opinion, which need not apply.

Information about Art Classes for Children and Adults can be found on the Classes page.
Inquire about classes for students with special needs.

Jewelry, notecards, books, paintings:
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